2024 is the year content becomes (even more) personal. Forget mass blasts, start leveraging data to create tailored experiences that will garner record-breaking engagement. 72% of consumers claim that they respond to marketing messages that are exclusively crafted to their choices (SmartHQ), meaning people respond to personalization and relevance. 71% of consumers expect companies to deliver personalized interactions. And 76% get frustrated when this doesn’t happen (McKinsey).

“71% of consumers expect companies to deliver personalized interactions. And 76% get frustrated when this doesn’t happen.”

— McKinsey

Data not only helps you understand your audience (their demographics, behaviors, preferences, and interests) but makes it possible to personalize your content to land in front of the right eyes at the right time. Without measuring the right things, you’re just guessing what people want to see and hear. Data gives you the power to make decisions based on real-life numbers and insights and eliminates the guesswork. 

While all this sounds great, you’ve likely heard it all before. But how is it done, and done successfully? We’ll lay it out for you below.

Be discovered

Personalize like a pro (using AI)

It’s no secret AI is behind a lot of the marketing we see today, but that shouldn’t scare you. In fact, let it excite you. You can leverage AI to craft killer content that’s customized to individual preferences and targeted at the right people. For example, let’s talk about dynamic content. Take landing pages.

AI algorithms can analyze collected user data to identify patterns and segment users into different groups based on shared characteristics or behaviors. This segmentation helps create real-time personalized experiences for each user based on their particular segment. It can then dynamically adjust the content elements of the landing page–such as text, images, offers, and calls-to-action based on the user’s identified segment. 

In its simplest form, it may deliver content based on a person’s location. Cool, but it can do much more. AI can identify where a lead is in their customer journey and deliver messaging, say, crafted to a cold vs warm lead. To a returning customer vs. a brand new prospect. You don’t need to be a marketing guru to understand the value of such hyper-personalization.

From landing pages to text to email and beyond, AI powers real-time, dynamic personalized content marketing that can make a real impact on your business.

Content moments

Embrace the interactive 

91% of buyers prefer interactive content over text-based media. AND it generates 2x as many conversions (Gitnux). Mic drop. If that doesn’t convince you to ditch static screens for interactive marketing content, we don’t know what will. 

What is interactive content? Anything that takes your content from a one-way blab-fest to a two-way conversation with your audience. This might be quizzes, surveys, polls, contests, games, challenges, rewards, etc. Anything that gets the user involved. These kinds of experiences rope people in, especially if there’s some sort of incentive for interacting. They captivate your audience and as a bonus, give you even more data (collected ethically too, woot woot).

Here’s just one example: Have you ever filled out a brand questionnaire to find your perfect “match” for a product? Maybe it was jeans, shampoo, travel backpack size, shade of makeup, a colorway that would look best with your eyes, etc. We’d venture to say you have and that you took time out of your day to do it. Not only does this make the user feel like they’re being listened to, catered to even, but it also tells the brand more about that customer and how to better connect with them during their customer journey.

In today’s crowded market, a strong brand is your superpower. Rareview helps busy marketing teams become thought leaders with authentic, authoritative content built for their customers and communities.

Set goals

Think beyond cookies

People want privacy. And the third-party cookie dilemma is a prime example of this. Customers are looking to interact with and purchase from brands they trust. Building trust goes beyond ethically collecting and using data, but this is a good place to start. Many brands are worried that doing away with the controversial third-party cookie will hurt their personalization efforts, but we don’t think it has to. Using first-party data to personalize the consumer experience can work.

First-party data is always the most accurate. It’s direct information from the consumer interacting on your channels. There’s no middleman, and this means you get more actionable, insightful data. 

Because of its accuracy, first-party data can deliver more personalized and valuable experiences than less accurate, less reliable third-party data. This is another layer of building trust with your audience. Not only do you have control over how their data is handled, but you also deliver a more relevant experience that makes your audience feel like you know and care about them. Taking a note from the section above, the more interactive content you put out, the more opportunities there are to collect valuable first-party data that is willingly and happily shared.

According to 55% of customers, the most crucial characteristics of a brand are trustworthiness and transparency (Segment). So be responsible with data, and be transparent about how you’re using it. If you’re using it to make the customer experience better, there should be no red flags going off in their minds, and only green paper coming back your way.

Drive visibility

Data does work

Ditch the data dungeon and join us on a quest to translate those complex numbers into visually stunning graphics and videos that inform, inspire, and maybe even cause a little friendly office water cooler buzz.

We need the right tools, and people. Tools like Parse.ly and Rareview, turn cold, hard numbers into actionable insights.

With these powerhouses in our arsenal, we can:

  1. Fuel real-time content adjustments like a Formula One pit crew – lightning-fast and data-driven. ️
  2. Craft interactive content that’s so engaging, that your audience will not forget your brand.
  3. Understand ethical considerations (EU peeps, we got you covered!).
  4. Master multi-channel messaging.

And the best part? Rareview is offering a free audit and template!

Let’s break down those silos, embrace the customer-centric data revolution, and leave the beige bar charts in the dust! Onward, to visually stunning, impactful storytelling!

Partner Innovator WordPress VIP Rareview, Digital Design Agency

Get 3 months of Parse.ly free + a free content planning template


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3 steps to optimizing your social content 

Staring at a blank content calendar is every social media manager’s personal nightmare, yet we ...
Staring at a blank content calendar is every social media manager’s personal nightmare, yet we often find ourselves doing just that. If you’re one of us, or even just someone trying to up their social media game, you know the struggle is real. The ruthless pace of trends, those ever-changing algorithms—it’s enough to make anyone feel crazy.  So what’s the key to social media success? Hint: It’s not trying to go viral. To build your brand on social and gain your audience’s loyalty and trust, it is crucial to put out consistent, engaging, and quality content. We know, it sounds like a lot of work. And it can be if you don’t have a strategy. But there are ways to work smarter, not harder.  Below are three steps to conquering your content ...